Thursday 28 February 2013


Falling asleep in public. Everyone does it, right? I know I certainly do. Clearly I'm not alone, as today is apparently Public Sleeping Day. This is an excellent chance for everyone to catch up on their beauty sleep somewhere other than the comfort and privacy of their own bed.

Wikihow have even created this handy guide for those who need advice on falling asleep in public. For me this is no problem whatsoever. I work in a different city to the one I live in, and have to catch four trains to get me to work and back every single weekday. I'm also a bookworm, so I'm constantly reading on the train. The combination of reading and the rocking motion of the train often sends me away into napland en route, resulting in me constantly finding myself in the very peculiar situation of having just woke up and having to immediately start running if I don't want to miss my connection. It's a weird situation to be in; I wouldn't really recommend it. Sleeping on public transport generally is fine though - just make sure all your belongings are secure and get comfortable. If you have a hood or hat or some kind pull it down to shade your eyes, and you're golden. If you're really committed to sleeping in public places, a special pillow has been developed just for you...

Allow me to introduce the ostrich pillow - a kickstarter funded project that allows you to comfortably sleep pretty much anywhere you like, at the expense of looking thoroughly ridiculous. If this doesn't deter you,  pillows can be purchased here. So, to celebrate this silly holiday catch up on your rest somewhere in public today, anywhere you like. I would warn against falling asleep on the job, however - do so at your own risk

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