Saturday 9 February 2013

Read In The Bathtub Day

As I have mentioned previously, I'm a big fan of baths, and everything they symbolise. Which to me is relaxation, contentment, peace and solitude. None of which I can easily get from a shower. Whenever I shower, which isn't that often (BATHZ 4 LYFE!), I find I spend most of my time getting annoyed about the fluctuating temperature, annoyed about the water in my eyes, annoyed that the bits of me that aren't directly under the showerhead are disproportionately cold, and annoyed that it's really inconvenient to read a book in the shower. Yes, this is a thing that I do. It can be done, it's just a pain. Thus, I only really shower when I need to dye my hair because otherwise I would be lying in blood red bath looking like the latest victim in a slasher movie and slowly dying my ghostly pale skin a weird shade of pink. Trust me, not a good look.

The Scream dude. As if you didn't know.
Baths, on the other hand, are excellent. You can submerge yourself neck deep in the suds with a glass of wine, and perhaps a cigarette, if you smoke (smoking kills). You can also set up some lovely ambience with strategically placed candles and a smartphone to play some low key acoustic numbers while you unwind. Also, you are fully in control of the temperature, which can easily be adjusted to accommodate your changing tastes by a simple movement of the toe. Finally, the coup de grace, is having a good book to read in the bath. There are certain criteria that the book has to meet; firstly, it can't be too heavy - if you take a big fat hardback in there, you'll only be able to manage 15-20 minutes at best before you're wrists start to ache and you abandon the endeavour. Also, it has to be a book worthy of your attention, something that you won't drift away from and fall asleep, because falling asleep in the bath is not good! Thirdly, it has to be something that you haven't attached a inordinate amount of emotional value too. In other words, if the unthinkable happens and you drop it in the bath, it's not going to the end of the world. No signed copies or anything.

Reading in the bath is vintage, yo

So, now I've provided you with all the knowledge you could possibly need to be able to enjoy Read In The Bathtub Day to the absolute maximum. Go for it :)


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