Tuesday 15 January 2013

In Appreciation of Hats (Winter Edition)

Today is National Hat Day in the United States of America. National Hat Day in the UK, however, is celebrated on the 21st of April, and has been every year since 2010 (an institution, to be sure!) Now, let’s be clear from the outset, I think hats - especially silly ones - are ACE. Hence, I shall celebrate National Hat Day twice. Today shall mostly be in honour of winter hats, and in April I will give many summer hats the recognition they deserve. I have decreed it, and so it shall be.

Let us begin with something quite basic. This is me posing in my current favourite hat, a maroon coloured beret-like thing with loads of sequins and a bobble on it. I usually care nothing for fashion, but I've really jumped on the bandwagon with the whole everything must be the colour of red wine thing. In my defence, I have been dying my hair this colour for 8 years, so my theory is that that the fashion world has only just now realised how awesome I look and decided to popularise the shade. Plus, it keeps my ears warm and it matches my lipstick. WIN.

This is my boyfriend in his warm winter trapper hat (with the ear flaps tied up). This is an excellent hat that I have worn myself on many occasions, however I have a much smaller head than Tom so if I am not wearing my glasses the hat comes down to obscure my eyes with warm fluff every ten seconds, which is quite nice but not very conducive to sight.

This is the winter trapper hat again only this time being worn with the ear flaps down(!) by our friend Barsby, otherwise known as Wild Thymes when he's being fun at the weekend, and Mild Times on all other occasions. We gave this to him for the walk home in torrential rain. He survived; score 1 for the hat.

The above hat scarf and mittens combo is my beloved leopard spirithood. It is an excellent choice for all seasons but probably a bit more wintery than summery, I guess. This hood also has the power to make anyone who wears it happy. A treasure.

My leopard spirithood proved to be so popular I had to get a similar one for my friend Helen, on the proviso that she had to give the appropriate amount of love and respect. It was happily given :)

This is my excellent witches hat. It came already equipped with the front veil (with added spiders) and I won the spiderweb veil at the back from a bet at work. Reduced vision (and alcohol) did cause me to smash my head on a light in the club that evening and fall off the stage, but my hat still looked awesome :)

This is Tom's Adventure Time Finn Hat. We did Adventure Time costumes for Hallowe'en last year and it was wicked. The hat is also wicked.

This is my Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct hat, modelled here by Toad. My Dad brought me this back as a souvenir from Prague. It's lovely and warm in the cold months of winter, but as with the trapper hat I find it difficult to see through an opaque wall of fluff!

While technically not a hat, the hood of my Red Panda kigu is goddamn excellent headgear, and definitely deserves a mention! Just LOOK AT IT.

This is Tom's top hat. This is probably the most expensive item of headgear we own, being as it is an authentic woolen top hat from Christy's of London, who have been prolific milliners since the 19th century. Tom loves it.

Finally, when no kind of headgear appears to be readily available, improvisation is encouraged! :)

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